1. 1〔背中〕the back
    • 背を伸ばす
    • straighten one's back/stretch (oneself)
    • 背を向ける
    • turn one's back ((on))
    • 彼は私に背を向けて座ったままで返事をしなかった
    • He sat with his back to me and didn't reply.
    • 彼は敵に背を向けて逃げた
    • He fled in the face of the [his] enemy./He turned tail and ran away from the [his] enemy.
  1. 2〔物の後ろ側〕
    • いすの背
    • the back of a chair
    • 彼は山を背にカメラに収まった
    • He had a photo taken with the mountain in the background.
  1. 3〔背丈〕height;《文》 stature
    • 彼の背はどれぐらいだろう
    • How tall is he?
    • 普通の背の男
    • a man of ordinary stature
    • 私は背が165センチある
    • I am 165 centimeters tall [in height].
    • 少年たちは背の順に並んだ
    • The boys lined up in order of height.
    • 彼は背が高い[低い]
    • He is tall [short].
    • 君は背がずい分高くなったね
    • You've grown quite a bit.
    • 背の立たない所へ行ってはいけない
    • Don't 「go beyond [get out of] your depth.
  1. 4〔尾根〕a ridge
    • 太陽が山の背に没した
    • The sun set behind the mountain ridge.
  1. 5〔本の〕the spine (of a book)
  1. 背に腹は替えられないThere is no other 「way out [choice]./There is nothing else I can do.
    • 彼は我々の援助の申し出に背を向けた
    • He 「turned his back on [rejected] our offer of help.
  1. 背文字背文字
  1. 〔早瀬〕rapids;〔浅瀬〕shallows
  1. 立つ瀬がないたつせ(立つ瀬)
  1. 浮かぶ瀬浮かぶ瀬

