1. a net price
    • 正価で売る[買う]
    • sell [buy] at a net price
    • 正価1,000円で
    • at one thousand yen net
  1. specie [spíːʃiː]

    正貨で in specie

  1. 正貨準備specie [gold] reserve
  1. 正貨保有高specie holdings
  1. 〔正規の学課〕the regular curriculum;〔必修科目〕a required course
    • 正課外の科目[活動]
    • extracurricular subjects [activities]
  1. 1〔自然の生きた花〕a fresh flower
  1. 2いけばな(生け花)
  1. 〔生まれた家〕the house where one was born;〔実家〕one's parents' home
    • 白秋の生家を訪ねた
    • I visited Hakushu's birthplace.
  1. the result(s) ((of))
    • 努力の成果
    • 《文》 the fruit of one's efforts
    • 輝かしい成果を収める
    • obtain dazzling results/achieve (a) brilliant success
    • 彼女は地道な努力で期待の成果をあげた
    • Her steady efforts paid off.
  1. 成果給performance-based pay [compensation]
    • 彼は成果給を受けることに同意した
    • He agreed to be paid according to his performance.
  1. 成果主義a performance-based pay system [policy]
  1. (a) reputation ((for)) ⇒ひょうばん(評判)
    • その工場は質のよい製品で声価が高い
    • The factory has a good reputation for its high-quality products.
    • その事件で彼の声価は高まった[落ちた/損なわれた]
    • The affair enhanced [lowered/hurt] his reputation.
  1. fruit and vegetables; fresh produce
  1. 青果市場a vegetable and fruit market; a fresh produce mart
  1. 青果店a vegetable store;《英》 a greengrocer's (shop)
  1. midsummer
  1. the sacred fire;〔オリンピック会場の〕the Olympic Flame;〔たいまつ〕the Olympic Torch
    • 聖火台に今,火がともった
    • The Olympic Flame has been lighted.(▼「聖火台」に相当する単語はない)
  1. 聖火ランナーa bearer of the flame; a torchbearer
  1. 聖火リレーthe sacred-fire [Olympic-Torch] relay
  1. a sacred song;〔キリスト教の〕a hymn
    • クリスマス聖歌
    • a Christmas carol
  1. 聖歌集a hymnal
  1. 聖歌隊a choir
    • 聖歌隊で歌う
    • sing in a choir
  1. the flower;《文》 the quintessence [kwintésns]
    • 金閣寺は室町文化の精華だ
    • Kinkakuji represents the flowering [quintessence] of Muromachi culture.
  1. confections; confectionery
  1. 製菓会社a confectionery company
  1. 製菓業者a confectioner
  1. shoemaking
  1. 製靴業the shoemaking industry
  1. 製靴業者a shoemaker
  1. 製靴工場a shoemaking factory

