1. a living body
  1. 生体解剖vivisection
  2. 生体解剖生体解剖をする vivisect ((an animal))
  1. 生体解剖(賛成論)者a vivisectionist
  1. 生体学somatology
  1. 生体肝移植a liver transplant from a living donor
  1. 生体工学bionics; bioengineering
  1. 生体実験((perform)) an experiment on a living creature
  1. 生体自己制御biofeedback
  1. 生体小腸移植small bowel transplantation
  1. 生体組織検査((do)) a biopsy ((on a tumor))
  1. 生体認証biometric recognition
  1. 生体反応a vital reaction
  1. 生体膜a biomembrane
  1. 1〔生物の生活状態〕the habits of living things; a mode of life; ecology
    • かびの生態
    • the ecology of molds
    • 猿の生態
    • the habits [ecology] of monkeys
  1. 2〔生活のありのままの姿〕
    • 現代中学生の生態
    • the life of [the facts about] today's junior high school students
  1. 生態学ecology
  2. 生態学生態学の ecological
  1. 生態学者an ecologist
  1. 生態系an ecological system; an ecosystem
    • 大気汚染により生態系が破壊されてきた
    • The ecosystem has been badly damaged by air pollution.
  1. 〔成熟した生物〕an adult organism;〔成虫〕an imago [iméiɡou]
  1. the vocal cords
    • 人間の声は声帯の振動による
    • The human voice is produced by the vibration of the vocal cords.
  1. 声帯模写imitation of a person's voice; vocal mimicry
    • 声帯模写をする
    • 〔人の〕imitate a person's voice [way of singing/way of speaking]/〔動物などの〕imitate 「an animal's cry [a bird's singing]
  1. a form of government
    • 共和[民主/君主]政体
    • a republican [democratic/monarchical] form of government
    • 立憲[専制]政体
    • a constitutional [despotic] government
  1. a holy body;〔キリスト教で〕the body of Christ, the Host, the Eucharist;〔聖餐式で授かる〕the bread and wine taken at Holy Communion
  1. 聖体拝受[拝領](Holy) Communion

    静態の static; stationary

  1. 静態社会a static society
  1. 静態社会学static sociology
  1. 静態統計static statistics
  1. 整体術a therapeutic system relying on manipulation of bones and muscles;〔カイロプラクティック〕chiropractic [kàirəprǽktik];〔整骨療法〕osteopathy
  1. the umbilical cord ⇒さいたい(臍帯)

