1. creation
    • 造化の妙をたたえる
    • 「sing of [《文》 laud/praise] the marvels of nature
    • 造化の主[神]
    • the Creator, the Maker
    • 造化の戯れ
    • a jest [freak] of nature(▼freakは異形)
  1. an artificial [imitation] flower
    • 造花の桜
    • artificial cherry blossoms;〔紙製の〕paper cherry blossoms
  1. 〔数・量の〕(an) increase ((in));〔価値・量の〕a gain ((in))

    増加する increase; grow

    • 自然増加
    • (a) natural increase
    • 応募者の増加で競争が厳しくなった
    • Owing to the increase [rise] in the number of candidates, competition has become keener.
    • 体重が増加した
    • His weight has increased./He gained weight.
    • それは昨年に比して3割の増加である
    • It shows an increase of 30 percent over last year.
    • エコツアーの参加者は増加の一途をたどっている
    • The number of people who take part in ecotours continues to grow steadily.
    • 65歳以上の人口はどんどん増加している
    • The number of people sixty-five and over is rising steadily [rapidly].
  1. 増加額the amount of increase; an increment
  1. 増加率the rate of increase

