1. 1〔かたき〕an enemy; a foe(▼foeのほうが格式ばった語)
    • 人類の敵
    • an enemy of the human race
    • 彼を敵に回すと怖いよ
    • If you should antagonize him he would make a fearful enemy.
    • 味方であれ,敵であれ
    • friend or foe
  1. 2〔試合などの相手〕an opponent, an adversary(▼adversaryのほうは敵意を含む場合もある);〔競争者〕a rival, a competitor;〔匹敵者〕a match, an equal
    • 敵のチーム
    • the opposing [enemy] team
    • 敵をわけなく破った
    • I beat my opponent hands down.
    • 商売の敵
    • a business rival
    • 彼は向かうところ敵なしだ
    • There is no one anywhere who is a match for him.
  1. 敵に塩を送るshow humane treatment to one's enemy
  1. 敵は本能寺にありOur real enemy is elsewhere./My true purpose lies elsewhere.
  1. 敵艦「an enemy [a hostile] ship;〔総称〕hostile craft
  1. 敵機「an enemy [a hostile] plane
  1. 敵軍enemy troops; a hostile army [force]
  1. 敵国a hostile country [power]; the enemy
  1. 敵視敵視する be hostile to ((a person));look upon ((a person)) as an enemy
  1. 敵手an adversary; an opponent
  1. 敵将the enemy general
  1. 敵陣the enemy lines
  1. 敵船an enemy ship [vessel]
  1. 敵前上陸landing in the face of the enemy
  1. 敵弾〔砲弾〕enemy shells;〔小銃弾〕enemy bullets
  1. 敵地enemy territory [land]
    • 敵背を突く
    • attack the enemy from the rear
  1. 敵兵an enemy;〔総称〕the enemy
  1. 敵味方friend and foe (alike); both sides; allies and enemies
    • バスケットボール試合で花子と私は敵味方に分かれた
    • In the basketball game, Hanako and I were on different sides.
  1. 敵役the antagonist
  1. 敵塁an enemy fortress
  1. 1〔…の方面での〕
    • 経済的
    • economical
    • 教育的見地から
    • from an educational point of view
    • 金銭的には
    • monetarily/financially/as far as money goes [is concerned]
  1. 2〔…のような〕
    • その集まりは家庭的な雰囲気であった
    • The party 「was held in [had] a homey atmosphere.
    • 当地方は大陸的な気候だ
    • The climate of this area is like that of the continent.
  1. 3〔…らしい〕
    • 貴族的な態度
    • an aristocratic manner
  1. 4〔…にかなう〕
    • 彼は論理的に考える
    • He thinks logically.
  1. a drop
    • 葉の先から2,3滴の水がしたたり落ちた
    • Two or three drops of water slowly fell from the tip of the leaf.
    • 男の子はジュースを最後の一滴まで飲んだ
    • The boy drank the juice to the last drop.
    • 彼は酒は一滴も飲まない
    • He does not drink at all./He never touches alcohol.

