1. a swordmaker,《英》 a swordsmith
  1. 投光器a floodlight
  1. 投光照明floodlight(ing)

    投降する surrender ((to));lay down one's arms

    • 敵に投降を呼び掛ける
    • urge [call on] the enemy to surrender
  1. 投降者one who surrenders
  1. a contribution ((to a magazine))

    投稿する contribute ((an article to))

    • 投稿歓迎[随意]
    • All contributions (are) welcome./Open to all contributors.
    • 私は文芸雑誌に毎月俳句を投稿しています
    • Every month I contribute a haiku to a literary magazine.
    • この少女はこの雑誌にいつも投稿している
    • This girl is a regular [frequent] contributor to this magazine.
  1. 投稿規定contribution rules
  1. 投稿者a contributor
  1. 投稿欄a readers' [contributors'] column; a letter-to-the-editor column
  1. a potter; a ceramist

    登校する 「go to [attend] school

    • 受験者は午前9時までに登校すること
    • The applicants [examinees] are requested to be at school before 9:00 a.m.
    • 不登校
    • schoolphobia/a psychologically-rooted refusal to attend school
    • 不登校児
    • a child who refuses to attend school

