1. 1〔強くたたく・撃つ音〕bam(▼擬音語)
    • 砲声が1発どんと鳴った
    • The gun rang out.
    • 太鼓をどんとたたく
    • bang (on) a drum
    • 机をこぶしでどんとたたく
    • thump [pound] a table with one's fist
    • 用意,どん
    • Ready, go!
    • 背中をどんとたたく
    • slap a person on the back
  1. 2〔ぶつかる様子〕
    • 波が岸にどんとぶつかった
    • The waves thundered [pounded] against the shore.
    • 後ろの車がどんとぶつかってきた
    • The car behind banged [crashed] into my car.
    • 塀にどんとぶつかる
    • bang [bash] into a wall
    • さあ,どんと来い
    • Let come what way! I'm ready./Come on, see if you can beat me.
  1. 3〔大量の物が一度に処理される様子〕
    • どんと物を買う
    • buy things in large quantities
    • どんと金を出した
    • He generously plunked down a huge sum of money.
  1. dull
    • 鈍な奴だ
    • How stupid!/He is a dull [slow] guy.
  1. a boss

