1. 1〔…だとすれば〕
    • そういう話なら引き受けましょう
    • If that is the case, I will do it.
    • 他言しないなら話してやろう
    • I will tell you on condition that you keep it to yourself.
  1. 2〔…に関して言えば〕
    • 山なら富士が一番だ
    • When it comes to mountains, Fuji is supreme.
    • 彼女は花ならばらというところだ
    • If I were to compare her to a flower, it would be to a rose.
    • 田中ならいません
    • (You want) Tanaka? He's out.
    • その件なら人事課に行ってくれ
    • Go to the personnel section about that.
    • 私なら異存はない
    • As for me, I have no objection.
  1. 3〔それなら〕
    • なら,なぜあの時そう言わなかったのだ
    • If so [Then], why didn't you say so at the time?
  1. a Japanese oak;〔学名〕Quercus serrata

