1. the vernal [autumnal] equinoctial week(▼vernalは春の,autumnalは秋の)
    Higan, or the equinoctial week, starts three days before the equinox in both spring and autumn and lasts for 7 days. On the middle day of this week, people visit temples and family graves to pay their respects. They make offerings of ohagi cakes or dango dumplings to Buddha and their ancestors. In Buddhism, higan means“nirvana,”the ideal world of enlightenment on the other shore of the ocean of life and death.
    • お彼岸には墓参りに行く
    • I visit our family grave during the equinoctial week.
    • 彼岸の中日
    • the spring [autumn] equinox
    • 暑さ寒さも彼岸まで
    • Extremes of temperature last only until the equinox.
  1. 彼岸会Buddhist services performed during the equinoctial week
  1. 彼岸桜a variety of cherry (tree) which blossoms around the time of the vernal equinox
  1. 彼岸花a red spider lily
  1. an earnest wish
    • 悲願を達成する
    • achieve [realize] a fervent wish
    • 医者になりたいというのが彼の悲願だった
    • It was his earnest [dearest] wish to become a doctor.

