1. I〔美しい花〕a beautiful flower
  1. II〔美人〕a celebrated beauty; a renowned beauty
    • 彼女はかつてパリ社交界の名花とうたわれた
    • She was once called the flower [belle] of Paris society.
  1. 1〔有名な家柄〕a good [prestigious] family
    • 彼は名家の出である
    • He comes of an old, prestigious family.
  1. 2〔名士〕an eminent personage;〔大家〕a great master
  1. 〔優れた詩や和歌〕an excellent poem [tanka];〔有名な詩や和歌〕a famous poem [tanka]
    • 古今名歌選
    • an anthology of ancient and modern poems
  1. 1〔名のある〕a famous kind of cake;《文》 a confection from a famous shop
  1. 2〔上等の〕a cake [《文》 confection] of high quality

