1. 1〔頭がよいこと〕利口な 〔聡明な〕intelligent, smart;〔賢い〕wise, sensible
    • 利口な少年
    • 「an intelligent [a clever/a bright] boy
    • 利口な犬
    • a clever [smart] dog
    • いかにも利口そうだ
    • She certainly looks intelligent.
    • 先生に相談したのは利口だった
    • It was wise of him to consult his teacher.
  1. 2〔子供が聞き分けがよいこと〕
    • お利口さんね
    • That's a good boy [girl].
    • お利口にしているんですよ
    • Be a good girl [boy].
  1. 3〔要領がいい〕利口な clever; smart
    • あの人は利口だから自分が傷付くようなことはしない
    • He is too clever [smart] to do anything that might hurt him.
  1. 利口者a clever [smart, sensible] person
  1. 理工科a science and engineering course
  1. 理工学部a department of science and engineering
    • 契約[条約]履行
    • the execution [implementation] of a contract [treaty]
    • 約束の履行
    • fulfillment of a promise
    • 契約を履行する
    • execute [carry out] (the terms of) a contract
    • 約束を履行する
    • fulfill [keep/carry out] a promise
    • 彼は命令を忠実に履行した
    • He carried out the order faithfully [to the letter].

