1. 1〔真ん中〕the middle
    • 浜松は東京と大阪の中間にある
    • Hamamatsu lies halfway between Tokyo and Osaka.
    • あの家並みの中間の白い家が私の家です
    • My house is the white one in the center of that row of houses.
    • 月の中間に
    • in the middle of the month
  1. 2〔あいだ〕中間の intermediate
    • 彼女のドレスの色は青と紫の中間のような色だった
    • The color of her dress was somewhere between blue and purple.
  1. 3〔極端でないこと〕中間の moderate
    • 二人の意見の中間をとる
    • take a moderate stand between the opinions of the two
  1. 中間音an intermediate tone; an intertone
  1. 中間管理職middle management;〔人〕a middle(-level) manager
  1. 中間搾取intermediary exploitation
  2. 中間搾取中間搾取する exploit ((a person)) as an intermediary
  1. 中間子〔物理学で〕a meson
  1. 中間試験a midterm examination,《口》 a midterm
  1. 中間小説a novel ranking between popular and serious literature
  1. 中間周波数intermediate frequency
  1. 中間色〔2色の中間〕an intermediate color;〔原色を混ぜ合わせた色〕neutral colors
  1. 中間選挙〔米国の〕midterm elections; an off-year (Congressional) election
  1. 中間層the middle class
    • 中間値の定理
    • the intermediate value theorem
  1. 中間派〔穏健派〕the moderates
  1. 中間判決an interlocutory judgment [decree]
  1. 中間報告an interim report
  1. 中間読物light reading

