1. look like; be like; resemble
    • この写真の男は大学時代の友人の一人に似ている
    • The man in this picture resembles [looks like] one of my college friends.
    • あの娘は母親によく似ている
    • The girl bearsa close resemblance [a striking likeness] to her mother.
    • あなたのネクタイは私のとよく似ている
    • Your tie is just like mine.
    • この赤ん坊はだれに似ているのだろう
    • Who(m) does this baby take after?
    • 父親に似てひょうきん者だ
    • He is humorous, like his father.
    • 姉に似ず背が高くなかった
    • Unlike her sister, she was not tall.
    • いつもに似ず早起きした
    • He got up unusually early.
    • 似た事件が数年前にあった
    • A similar case occurred several years ago.
    • 彼の経歴は私の経歴と似たところがある
    • His career bears some parallels to mine./His career parallels mine in some respects.

