1. a strong yen (rate)
    • 為替相場はやや円高だ
    • The yen has strengthened a bit on the exchange market.
    • 円高になると輸出にブレーキがかかる
    • When the yen is strong, it acts as a brake on exports.
  1. 円高差益a profit from 「a strong yen rate [the strong yen]
    • 円高差益を消費者に還元する
    • pass along the benefits of a strong yen to consumers(▼実際に円高になっている時はthe stronger yenとなる)
  1. 円高デフレdeflation caused by appreciation of the yen
  1. 円高ドル安a strong yen and weak dollar
    • 円高ドル安だ
    • The yen has strengthened against the dollar.
    • 依然円高ドル安だ
    • The tendency toward a strong yen against the dollar continues.
  1. 円高不況a recession caused by the strong yen

