• 出来るだけのことは致しましょう
    • I will do 「anything in my power [everything I can].
    • 出来るだけのことはした
    • I did my best./I did all (that) I could.
    • 遺族には出来るだけの補償をしてください
    • Please give the bereaved family all the support you can.
    • 出来るだけ努力しなさい
    • Try as hard as possible [you can]./《口》 Give it all you've got.
    • 皆出来るだけ多くのみかんを取ろうとした
    • Each of them tried to grab as many oranges as possible [they could].
    • この機会を出来るだけ利用しなさい
    • Make the most of this opportunity.

