1. 1〔区別〕(a) distinction ((between A and B));〔相違〕(a) difference
    • 当時は階級の別がはっきりしていた
    • In those days class distinctions were very clear.
    • ガソリンと灯油の別を述べなさい
    • Explain the difference between gasoline and kerosene.
    • 正邪の別を明らかにする
    • distinguish 「right from wrong [between right and wrong]
    • 昼夜の別なく
    • night and day/at all hours
    • 講演会には性別と年齢の別なく参加できる
    • The lecture is open to anyone regardless of sex or age.
    • それとこれとは別だ
    • This and that are different matters.
  1. 2〔ほか〕
    • 別のペンを見せてください
    • Show me another pen, please.
    • どこか別のホテルへ移ったほうがいい
    • We had better move to some other hotel.
    • それに関する議論は別の機会に譲ろう
    • I will leave the discussion of that for another occasion.
    • だれか別の人に尋ねよう
    • Let's ask someone else.
    • そうなると話は別だ
    • That is another matter [story].
  1. 3〔それぞれ〕
    • 大阪で分かれてそれぞれ別の目的地に向かった
    • We parted at Osaka and headed for our respective destinations.
    • これを一つ一つ別に包んでください
    • Please wrap each of these separately.
  1. 4〔除外〕
    • 腐ったりんごは別にする
    • separate the rotten [bad] apples from the others
    • 18歳未満の者は別にしよう
    • Let's exclude those under eighteen.
    • 力強さは別としてこの絵は何の魅力もない
    • Apart from the sense of strength it conveys, there is nothing good about this picture.
    • 冗談は別として本当にそんなことになったらどうしよう
    • 「Joking apart [All joking aside], what shall we do if it really happens?
    • その服は少し長過ぎるという点を別にすればなかなかいい
    • The dress is fine except that it is a little too long.
  1. 5〔余分〕
    • この仕事には別の手当が付く
    • I am paid extra for this work.
    • 別に1ドル払わされた
    • They charged me an extra dollar.
    • 絵画とは別に書も展示された
    • In addition to the paintings, works of calligraphy were on display, too.
  1. 6〔特別〕 ⇒べつに(別に)
    • 生徒たちは男女[年齢]別のグループに分けられた
    • The pupils were divided into groups according to their sex [age].
    • 書類は年度別に分類してあった
    • The documents were classified by year.

