1. 1〔勝敗〕 ⇒しょうはい(勝敗)
    • 勝負がついた
    • The game is over [finished]./The contest has been decided.
    • 勝負なしに終わった
    • The game ended in a draw.
    • さあ勝負をつけよう
    • Come on, let's fight it out.
  1. 2〔勝敗をきそう争い〕a match; a game; a contest ⇒しあい(試合)

    勝負(を)する play ((with));fight ((with));have a game [match] ((with))

    • 3本勝負
    • a three-game match
    • 実力で勝負する
    • match one's skill ((against a person))
    • 勝負に勝つ[負ける]
    • win [lose] ((the game))
    • この二人のボクサーはいい勝負だ
    • These boxers are a well-matched pair.
    • 彼が相手では勝負にならない
    • 〔相手が強過ぎて〕I'm no match for him./〔相手が弱過ぎて〕He is no match for me.
    • この投手は勝負強い
    • This pitcher is tough in a pinch.
  1. 勝負事a game;〔ばくち〕gambling, a game of chance
  1. 勝負師a gambler
    • 彼はなかなかの勝負師だ
    • He's quite a gambler./He really knows how to take chances.
  1. 勝負審判(one of) the sumo judges (seated around the foot of the ring)
    • 勝負所を逃す
    • miss a chance to win

