1. I〔商業上の〕a deal;((conduct)) a transaction; dealings

    取り引きする have dealings ((with));trade ((in sugar with a firm))

    • 現金[信用]取り引き
    • a cash [credit] transaction
    • あの商社と取り引きがある
    • We have dealings with that firm.
    • 私はあの銀行と取り引きがある[を始めた]
    • I have [opened] an account with that bank.
    • その会社との取り引きは中止になった
    • Our business connections [relations] with the company were broken off.
    • 今度の取り引きで大損[大もうけ]した
    • We lost [made] a great deal of money on this deal.
  1. II〔駆け引き〕
    • 裏で犯人と取り引きをする
    • make a deal with a criminal behind the scenes
    • 政府と野党が取り引きをして法案を通すことにした
    • The government and the opposition party made a deal and agreed to pass the bill.
  1. 取り引き価格the market price
  1. 取り引き関係business connections
  1. 取り引き業者a broker; a trader; a dealer
  1. 取り引き銀行one's own bank; a bank with which one has dealings
  1. 取り引き先a customer; a business connection
  1. 取り引き高(a) turnover

