- 1〔実地〕practice
- 実際に応用する
- put ((a theory)) into practice/apply ((a rule)) in practice
- 実際的な[でない]人
- 「a practical [an impractical] man
- 2〔事実〕the truth, a fact;〔現実〕reality, actuality;〔実状〕actual conditions
実際の real, actual;〔事実上の〕virtual
- 実際にあったことだ
- It was an actual occurrence./It actually happened.
- 被災地の実際を調査する
- investigate actual conditions in the stricken area
- 彼女は写真より実際のほうが美しい
- She is prettier than her picture./Her picture doesn't do her justice.
- 3〔実に〕really;《文》 indeed
- 実際同感です
- 「I (do) [Indeed I] agree with you.
- 彼は変わり者だと評判だが実際そうだ
- He is said to be eccentric and he really is.
- あの人は実際困り者だ
- He is 「really a [a real] problem.
- 実際家a practical person
- 実際問題a practical question; very real problems
- 実際問題,困ったことになった
- The fact is we are in an awkward situation.