1. I〔長年の功績〕
    • 年功に報いて昇給させる
    • raise a person's salary as a reward for long service
    • 年功によって昇進する
    • We are promoted according to 「length of service [the seniority system].
  1. II〔長年の熟練〕long experience
    • 彼は販売員として年功を積んでいる
    • He has many years of experience 「in selling [as a salesman].
    • 年功は争えない
    • Experience will tell.
  1. 年功加俸「additional pay [an allowance] for long service
  1. 年功序列制度the seniority system
  1. 年功序列型賃金[給与]a pay scale based on seniority; a seniority-based [seniority-oriented] salary scale

