1. the end of the year
    After Christmas, Japan moves into the nenmatsu, or end-of-the-year, season. Each household is busy with preparations for the New Year's holidays. Yearend housecleaning, called susuharai, is a must. After cleaning, people decorate their front doorways with pine boughs and prepare a traditional holiday meal with osechi dishes. In some rural communities, residents can still be seen pounding mochi (rice cake) during this season. Public offices close for the year on December 28, and many private businesses follow suit. On December 31, the New Year's holiday starts in earnest. On New Year's Eve, it is the custom to eat buckwheat noodles. Just before midnight, many go out to visit shrines and temples with the gongs of the end-of-the-year bells (joyanokane) ringing in their ears.
    • 年末に[までに]
    • at [by] the end of the year
  1. 年末大売り出しa year-end bargain sale
  1. 年末賞与[手当]a year-end bonus [allowance]
  1. 年末調整a year-end tax adjustment

