1. 1〔物を作るもと〕material(s);〔原料〕raw material(s);〔料理などの〕ingredients
    • 生物学の実験材料
    • materials for biological experiments
    • 建築材料
    • building materials
    • この菓子にはいろいろな材料が入っている
    • This cake has all kinds of ingredients in it.
  1. 2〔資料〕
    • 判断の材料が不足している
    • We do not have sufficient data to make a decision.
    • 友人の生涯を小説の材料にする
    • use a friend's life as (raw) material for a novel
  1. 3〔相場の変動の原因〕
    • 保守党の圧勝は株式の好材料だった
    • The overwhelming victory of the conservative party was a good sign for the stock market.
    • 円高の材料
    • a factor behind the rise in the exchange rate of the yen
    • 悪材料
    • an adverse factor
    • 強[弱]材料
    • a bullish [bearish] factor
  1. 材料株an incentive-backed stock [issue]
  1. 材料試験material testing
  1. 材料費the cost of materials ((for))
  1. 材料力学the strength of materials

