1. 〔欲望〕(a) desire ((for; to do; that));〔貪欲どんよく〕greed,《文》 avarice
    • 娘に死なれ,生きる欲もなくなった
    • Having lost my daughter, I have 「no interest in life [no desire to go on living].
    • 妻は欲のない女です
    • 〔物を欲しがらない〕My wife is a woman of few wants./〔欲張りでない〕My wife is far from greedy [《文》 avaricious].
    • 所有欲の強い彼は妻にひどくやきもちを焼いた
    • He was so possessive that he was an extremely jealous husband.
    • 彼は権力[名誉]欲が強い
    • He has a strong desire for power [fame]./He is hungry for power [fame].
    • 欲に目がくらんだ
    • He was blind with greed [avarice].
    • 彼は欲の皮が突っ張っている
    • He is as greedy as he can be.
    • 欲も得もなく眠りこけた
    • He slept on, forgetting [dead to] everything.
    • 欲を言えばもう少し思いやりがあるといい
    • 「I wish [If only] he were a little more considerate.

