- a resolution; a decision
決議する resolve; pass [adopt] a resolution; decide [vote] ((for, against))
- 工場を誘致することが市議会で決議された
- It was resolved [decided] in the municipal assembly to try to attract factories.
- その案に賛成[反対]の決議をした
- They decided [voted] for [against] the plan.
- 以下のことを決議する
- Be it resolved that....
- 決議案a resolution
- 決議案を提出する
- propose [introduce] a resolution
- 決議機関a voting organ
- 決議権the right of voting
- 決議事項a resolution
- それは委員会の決議事項である
- That depends on the committee's decision.
- 決議文a written resolution
- 決議文を手渡す
- 「hand in [submit] a (written) resolution ((to))