1. (commodity) prices
    • この辺は物価が高い[低い]
    • Prices are high [low] in this neighborhood.
    • 物価の変動が大きい
    • Prices fluctuate widely.
    • 今月は物価が上がった[下がった]
    • This month prices have 「gone up [gone down].
    • 卸売物価
    • wholesale prices
    • 消費者物価
    • the cost of living/consumer prices
    • 消費者物価に合わせた昇給
    • a cost-of-living adjustment (in wages)
  1. 物価安定price stability
  1. 物価下落a fall in prices; a price fall [decline, decrease]
  1. 物価指数a price index
    • 卸売[小売/消費者]物価指数
    • the wholesale [retail/consumer] price index ((略 WPI [RPI/CPI]))
  1. 物価上昇a price increase [hike]
    • 物価上昇率
    • the inflation rate/theprice increase rate
  1. 物価水準a price level
    • 一般物価水準
    • the general price level
  1. 物価スライド制consumer price indexation [indexing]; indexation
  2. 物価スライド制物価スライド制の index-linked
    • 年金の物価スライド制
    • consumer price indexation of pensions
  1. 物価騰貴a rise in prices
    • 政府は物価統制に乗り出した
    • The government has decided to introduce price controls.
  1. 物価変動price fluctuation; (a) fluctuation in prices
  1. 物価暴騰a price spurt
  1. 物価暴落a price tumble [plunge, nosedive]
  1. 物価抑制price control [suppression]
    • 物価抑制策
    • ((take)) price control measures

