1. 1〔共同生活の集団〕(a) society;〔地域社会〕(a) community
    • 原始[文明/民主]社会
    • (a) primitive [civilized/democratic] society
    • 実社会で
    • in the real world
    • 社会を形成する
    • form a society
    • 社会に出る
    • become a working member of society
    • 社会の風に当たる
    • experience the world
    • 社会の福祉に大いに貢献する
    • contribute greatly 「to the (general) public welfare [to the welfare of society]
    • 社会の一員として
    • as a member of society
    • 社会のしくみが分かる
    • understand 「the mechanism of (a) society [how (a) society operates]
    • 社会の裏面を知る
    • know the dark side of society
    • 社会的地位の高い人
    • a person of high social standing
    • 社会的に認められる
    • win public recognition
    • 社会的に葬り去られる
    • lose one's social standing
    • 社会的に見れば彼はかなりの者だ
    • He is 「a somebody in society [socially prominent].
  1. 2〔同類の集まり〕
    • 上流[中流/下層]社会
    • the upper [middle/lower] class
    • 芸術家の社会
    • the world of artists
    • 子供の社会では
    • in the world of children
  1. 社会悪social evils
  1. 社会意識social consciousness
  1. 社会運動a social movement
  1. 社会科social studies; civics
  1. 社会科学social science
  1. 社会学sociology; social science
  1. 社会教育(a) social education
  1. 社会現象a social phenomenon ((複 -na))
  1. 社会貢献a social contribution; a contribution to society
    • このプログラムは社会貢献度が高い
    • This program makes a significant contribution to society.
  1. 社会事業social work
  1. 社会事業家a social worker
  1. 社会主義socialism
  1. 社会主義市場経済a socialist market economy
  1. 社会主義者a socialist
  1. 社会人a (working) member of society
    • 社会人になる
    • join adult society/become a working member of society
  1. 社会心理学social psychology
    • 人間は社会性を持った動物だ
    • Man is a social animal.
    • 社会性を身につける
    • learn to fit into society
    • 社会性のある人
    • 〔社会に関心のある〕a person who has keen interest in social problems/〔社交性のある〕a sociable person
    • 社会性のある映画
    • a film dealing with social problems [concerns]
    • 正常な社会生活を営む
    • live a normal life as a member of society
  1. 社会政策a social policy
  1. 社会制度a social system
  1. 社会層a social stratum ((複 -ta))
  1. 社会秩序((maintain)) social order
  1. 社会通念a socially accepted idea
  1. 社会的格差social inequality
    • この国では社会的格差の広がりが問題になりつつある
    • The increasing gap between the haves and have-nots is becoming a problem in this country.
  1. 社会(的)正義social justice
  1. 社会的責任social responsibility
    • 彼は家庭の事情で社会的入院を余儀なくされている
    • Because of his family circumstances he is obliged to stay in a hospital./He is obliged to stay in a hospital because nobody in his family can take care of him.
  1. 社会鍋a (Salvation Army) charity pot
  1. 社会部the local news edition;《米》 the city editor's section
    • 社会部長
    • the chief reporter/《米》 the city news editor
  1. 社会不安((cause)) social unrest
  1. 社会福祉(事業)social welfare (work)
  1. 社会復帰a return to normal life; reintegration into society
  2. 社会復帰社会復帰する return to work; resume one's place in society
    • 幸い彼は社会復帰ができた
    • Fortunately he was able to return to work (after his illness).
  1. 社会奉仕community [public] service; social service work
  2. 社会奉仕社会奉仕する do volunteer work; engage in social service
    • 何か社会奉仕活動をなさっていますか
    • Are you participating in any kind of community service?
  1. 社会保険social insurance
  1. 社会保険庁the Social Insurance Agency ⇒日本年金機構
  1. 社会保障social security
    • 社会保障制度
    • a social security system
    • 社会保障給付
    • social security benefits
  1. 社会保障番号《米》 a social security number ((略 SSN))
  1. 社会民主主義social democracy
  1. 社会民主党(社民党)the Social Democratic Party
  1. 社会面〔新聞の〕the general [city] news page(s)
  1. 社会問題a social problem
    • それは今や重大な社会問題だ
    • It is currently a serious social problem.

