1. 1〔種類〕a kind, a sort, a class ((of))
    • この種のソフトはよく売れる
    • Software of this kind sells well.
    • その種の間違いはやむを得ない
    • That sort of mistake cannot be helped.
    • あの種の人間とはうまくゆかない
    • I cannot get along with 「men of that type [that sort of man].
  1. 2〔動植物の分類単位〕a species ((単複同形))
    • 『種の起源』
    • The Origin of Species
  1. I
  1. 1〔種子〕a seed
    • みかん[りんご]の種
    • pips of an orange [apple]
    • 桃[梅]の種
    • the stone of a peach [plum]
    • くるみの種
    • the kernel of a walnut
    • 種なしぶどう
    • seedless grapes
    • 庭に種をまいた
    • We planted seeds in the garden.
    • 畑に穀物の種をまく
    • seed [sow] a field with grain
    • ぶどうの種を取り除く
    • 「remove the seeds from [seed] grapes
    • まかぬ種は生えぬ
    • One must sow before one can reap.
  1. 2〔血統,産種〕a breed, a stock;〔子〕a child
    • 家畜の種のよいのが彼の自慢だ
    • He is proud of the good breed of his stock.
    • 一粒種
    • one's only child
  1. II
  1. 1〔原因,材料〕(a) cause; a source
    • 心配の種
    • a source [cause] of anxiety [worry]
    • 話[新聞記事]の種
    • a topic [subject] of conversation [a news story]
    • 小説の種
    • material for a novel
    • 争いの種
    • the cause of strife/an apple of discord/a bone of contention
    • 災いの種
    • the seeds of trouble
    • 彼は物笑いの種だった
    • He was the butt of our ridicule.
    • 彼はいつも災いの種をまく男だ
    • He is always planting the seeds of trouble.
    • 思い出すも涙の種
    • The thought brings tears into [to] my eyes.
    • 自分でまいた種は自分で刈り取れ
    • You must reap what you have sown.
  1. 2〔料理の材料〕ingredients
    • あのすし屋は種がいい
    • They use good fish at that sushi shop.
  1. 3〔手品などの仕掛け〕a trick
    • 手品の種
    • a magician's trick
    • 種も仕掛けもありません
    • There is no secret trick to this./I have no tricks up my sleeve.
    • 手品の種を明かしましょう
    • I'll show you how the trick is done.
    • 彼女は彼の種を宿した
    • She became pregnant by him.

