promise (((a person) to do));give one's word ((to a person))
- 口先だけの約束
- an insincere promise
- 彼はよく約束を守る人だ
- He is a man of his word.
- 約束を守る
- keep one's promise [word]
- 約束を果たしましたか
- Did you carry out your promise?/Did you do as you promised?
- 彼は約束を破らなかった
- He did not break his promise./He kept his word [promise].
- 会社との約束を破った[取り消した]
- They broke [canceled/broke off] their agreement with the company.
- それでは約束が違う
- That was not our agreement!/That's not what we agreed to!
- 動物園に連れて行ってやると子供に約束した
- I promised my son 「to take [that I would take] him to the zoo.
- 彼は誕生日の贈り物にカメラをくれると約束した
- He promised (to give) me a camera as a birthday present.
- 彼は約束通り2時に到着した
- True to his word, he arrived at two.
- 他言しないと約束するなら秘密を打ち明けよう
- I will tell you the secret if you promise to keep it to yourself.
- 彼女は医者と結婚を約束している
- She is engaged to marry a doctor.