1. 〔一般に〕a picture;〔水彩画,油絵〕a painting;〔写生画〕a sketch;〔鉛筆・ペン・クレヨン画〕a drawing;〔さし絵〕an illustration
    • 馬の絵を書く
    • 〔絵の具で〕paint a picture of a horse/〔ペン,クレヨンなどで〕draw a picture of a horse
    • 彼は(風景の)絵がうまい
    • He is good at painting [drawing] (landscapes)./He is a good (landscape) painter.
    • 絵入りの本
    • an illustrated book
    • 彼は書斎にルノワールの絵(の複製)を掛けている
    • He has (a reproduction of) a Renoir in his study.(▼reproductionは複製画)
    • 彼女は全く絵のように美しい
    • She is as lovely [pretty] as a picture.
    • 絵のように美しい景色
    • picturesque scenery
    • 空飛ぶ自動車なんて絵にかいた餅だ
    • The idea of a flying automobile is nothing but pie in the sky.
    • 彼女の着物姿は絵になっていた
    • Dressed in a kimono, she made a lovely picture.
  1. 絵手紙an illustrated postcard (sketched [drawn; painted] by the sender)
  1. 絵日記a picture diary

