1. one's duty
    • 職務を遂行する[怠る]
    • perform [neglect] one's duty
    • 彼は職務怠慢で譴責けんせき処分を受けた
    • He was reprimanded for neglect of duty.
    • 警察官の職務執行妨害で逮捕された
    • He was arrested for obstructing 「a policeman [an officer] in the performance of his duty.
    • 職務上危険な目に遭わねばならないこともある
    • Sometimes I have to face danger 「as a matter [in the line] of duty.
  1. 職務規定office regulations
  1. 職務給a salary commensurate with one's duties; wages based on job evaluation
  1. 職務権限one's official authority; the authority vested in an office
  1. 職務質問questioning ((of a suspect));a police checkup
    • 彼は職務質問を受けた
    • He was questioned by the police.
  1. 職務手当an allowance attached to a post
  1. 職務内容job specifications

