1. parent and child; parents and their children
    • 親子の情
    • the mutual affection [love] between 「parent and child [parents and children]
    • お前とは今日を限りに親子の縁を切る
    • I will not consider you as my son [daughter] after today./〔相続権を奪う〕I disinherit you as of today.
    • 親子ほども年の違う若い女性と結婚した
    • He married a woman young enough to be his daughter.
  1. 親子電話an extension phone
  1. 親子丼どんぶりa bowl of rice topped with chicken and eggs; a chicken-and-egg bowl
  2. 親子丼どんぶりOyako-donburi, literally meaning“parent-and-child rice bowl,”is a casual Japanese dish in which bite-sized pieces of chicken and onion are simmered in dashi stock, seasoned with sake rice wine, mirin sweetener, and soy sauce. Beaten egg is stirred in to bind all the ingredients. Garnished with mitsuba herb, the dish is served over rice in a donburi (oversized rice bowl). The name of the dish, oyako-donburi, reflects the two essential ingredients, chicken and egg_hence the name, oya (“parent”) and ko (“child”).(意訳:親子どんぶりの「親」は鶏肉,「子」は鶏卵で,いわゆる「親子」が一つの料理に入っていることから,この名前で親しまれている.鶏肉を玉ねぎなどといっしょにだし汁・酒・みりん・醤油で煮込み,みつばなどを添えて卵でとじ,どんぶり飯の上にかける)

