1. 〔単語〕a word;〔用語〕a term;〔言語〕a language;〔話〕speech
    • 合成語
    • a compound (word)
    • 専門語
    • ((in)) technical terms/jargon
    • 外国語
    • ((in)) a foreign language
    • 2500語のレポート
    • a 2,500-word paper
    • 次の文章を読んで感想を600語以内にまとめなさい
    • Read the following passage and write your impression of it in (no more than) 600 words.
    • 語を交える
    • talk with a person
    • 彼は語を強めて予定どおり実行すると断言した
    • He declared emphatically that he would carry out the plan.
    • 彼女は語をついでそんな人は知らないと言った
    • She went on to say that she did not know any such man.

