1. 〔質物〕a pawn
    • ギターを50ドルで質に入れる
    • pawn a guitar for fifty dollars
    • あの絵画は質に入っている
    • That picture is in pawn [《俗》 hock].
    • 質を受け出す
    • redeem a pawned article
    • 時計を質から出す
    • take one's watch out of pawn [《俗》 hock]
    • 質が流れる
    • 〔品物を主語にして〕be forfeited/〔人を主語にして〕have one's pawn forfeited
  1. 質草an article for pawning
  1. 質札a pawn ticket
  1. 質流れ質流れ
  1. 質屋質屋
  1. 1〔資質〕(a) nature, (a) disposition;〔気質〕(a) temperament
    • 天性の質
    • one's natural disposition
    • 教師の質の低下が最近著しい
    • There's been a marked deterioration in the quality of teachers recently./The caliber of teachers has markedly deteriorated in recent years.
    • あの人は蒲柳ほりゅうの質だ
    • She has a delicate constitution.
    • あのピアニストは質がいい
    • That pianist has a natural gift.
    • とびきり質のよい学生
    • an exceptionally brilliant student
  1. 2〔成分となる物質〕matter
    • 動物[植物]質
    • animal [vegetable] matter
  1. 3〔品質〕quality
    • この紙は質がよい[悪い]
    • This paper is of good [poor] quality.
    • 質をよくする[落とす]
    • improve [lower] the quality
    • 質的にも量的にも
    • 「in (both) [(both) in] quality and quantity/(both) qualitatively and quantitatively
    • 量より質
    • Quality over quantity./Quality is more important than quantity.
  1. 1〔性質〕one's nature;〔気質〕a disposition, a temperament
    • たちのよい
    • good-natured
    • たちの悪い
    • ill-natured/wicked/vicious
    • たちの悪いやつだ
    • He's a bad sort.
    • 私はかんしゃくを起こすたちだ
    • I lose my temper easily.
    • 彼女は興奮しやすいたちだ
    • She has an excitable temperament.
    • その犬はおとなしいたちだ
    • The dog has a gentle disposition.
    • 彼はそういうたちなのだ
    • He was born that way.
    • 彼の酒はたちが悪い
    • He turns mean [nasty] when he drinks.
    • たちの悪い冗談はよせ
    • Don't crack [make] such nasty [vicious] jokes.
  1. 2〔品質〕quality
    • たちのよい[悪い]品
    • an article of fine [poor] quality
  1. 3〔物事の性質〕
    • たちの悪い風邪をひいた
    • She came down with a nasty cold.
    • 腫瘍はたちの悪いものではなかった
    • His tumor wasn't malignant.

