1. 1〔多角形の〕a side;〔立体の〕an edge
    • 三角形の一辺
    • one side of a triangle
    • 底辺
    • the base
  1. 2〔近辺〕a neighborhood,《英》 a neighbourhood;〔地域〕an area;〔地方〕a district, a region
    • この辺の裏通りはよく知っている
    • I am quite familiar with the back streets in this neighborhood [area].
    • 東京のこの辺が最も地代が高い
    • This area has the highest land rent [〔地価〕prices] in Tokyo.
    • この辺は豪雪地帯だ
    • We have very heavy snowfall in this district [region/part of the country].
    • この辺の森はよく歩いた
    • I used to go hiking in the woods around here.
    • この辺に交番があるはずだ
    • There should be a police box near here.
    • その辺までお伴します
    • I will go with you part of the way.
  1. 3〔ばく然とした事柄を指して〕
    • その辺の事情は余りよく分からない
    • I don't know too much about the situation.
  1. 4〔程度〕
    • 今日はその辺で止めておこう
    • That will do for today.
    • まあその辺でしょう
    • I suppose that's about it.
    • その辺が限度だよ
    • That's about as far as you can go.
    • その辺が妥当だろう
    • That's just about right.
    • 川のほとりの家
    • a house on the (bank of a) river
    • 湖のほとりに小さい一軒家がある
    • There is a small house beside [(close) by] the lake.

