1. 1〔容器一つの分量〕
    • バケツ一杯の水
    • a bucketful of water
    • コップ一杯の水
    • a glass of water
    • 小さじ一杯の塩
    • a teaspoonful of salt
    • ビール[ワイン]1杯
    • a glass of beer [wine]
    • お茶をもう一杯いかがですか
    • Won't you have another [one more] cup of tea?
  1. 2〔少し酒を飲むこと〕a drink
    • 一杯やりながら話す
    • talk over a drink
    • 「一杯いかがですか」「いいですね」
    • “Won't you have a drink?/What do you say to a drink?/How about a drink?”“Sounds good [great]./Sure.”
    • 毎晩寝る前に一杯やります
    • Every night I have a nightcap [drink] before going to bed.
  1. 3〔充満〕
    • 広場は人で一杯だった
    • The square was crowded with people.
    • 腹一杯食べる
    • eat one's fill
    • 「ごはんのお代わりはいかがですか」「もうお腹が一杯です」
    • “How about another bowl of rice?”“No, thank you. I've had enough. [I'm full.]"
    • その子は目に一杯涙を浮かべて聞いていた
    • The child was listening with her eyes filled [swimming] with tears.
    • たらいに水を一杯に張ってください
    • Please fill the basin (to the brim) with water.
    • 日が部屋一杯に差し込んだ
    • Sunshine filled [flooded] the room.
    • 胸が一杯で物が言えない
    • My heart is too full for words.
    • 試験のことで頭が一杯だった
    • 「My head was full of [I could think of nothing but] the examination.
  1. 4〔全部〕all
    • その仕事は来週一杯かかる
    • The work will take all (of) next week.
    • 力一杯働いた
    • I worked with all my might.
  1. 5〔限度である様〕
    • 今月一杯待ってください
    • Please wait till the end of this month.
    • 時間一杯までねばる
    • hang on to the very last
    • 制限時間一杯になった
    • 〔相撲で〕Time is up (for warm-ups before a sumo bout).
    • 道路の右端一杯に車を寄せる
    • pull a car over to the very edge of the right-hand side of the road
    • そのトラックは道幅一杯だった
    • That truck took up the whole width of the road.
  1. 6〔たくさん〕
    • いっぱいまちがいをした
    • I made a lot of mistakes.
    • 学ばなければならないことがいっぱいある
    • I have 「a lot [《文》 much] to learn.
    • 机にはほこりがいっぱい積もっていた
    • The desk was covered with dust.
    • 体に打ち傷がいっぱいあった
    • He had bruises all over his body.
  1. 一杯食わすplay [pull] a trick on ((a person));put one [something] over on ((a person))
    • 彼に一杯食わされた
    • I was fooled [deceived/taken in] by him.
    • 一杯機嫌で
    • feeling high
    • 彼は一杯機嫌で鼻歌を歌っていた
    • Feeling a bit tipsy [high after his drink], he was humming a tune.

    一敗する lose one game [bout; match] ⇒しあい(試合)

  1. 一敗地にまみれるmeet with complete defeat

