1. 〔写真の〕a print
  1. 印画紙photographic (printing) paper
  1. 1〔原因と結果〕cause and effect
  1. 2〔行為に対する報い〕
    • あれは親の因果が子に報いるということだ
    • It's an example of the sins of the father being visited on the children.
    • 何の因果で彼はそんな苦しみにあうのだろう
    • What has he done to deserve such suffering?
  1. 3〔宿命,不可避の運命〕fate
    • これも因果とあきらめました
    • I resigned myself to my fate.
    • 彼に因果を含めて辞めてもらいなさい
    • Tell him that his resignation is inevitable, and get him to resign.
    • 因果は巡る
    • ((諺)) The wheels of fortune keep turning.
  1. 4〔不幸〕misfortune
    • 因果な子
    • an unfortunate child
    • 彼女は因果な生まれだ
    • She was born under an unlucky star.
    • 彼女は因果の種を宿している
    • She's pregnant with an illegitimate child.
    • 因果なことに彼は足を折った
    • 「As ill luck would have it [Unfortunately], he broke his leg.
  1. 因果応報retribution; karma
    • 因果応報だ
    • He got what he deserved.
  1. 因果関係a causal relationship
    • この二つの事件の間には何ら因果関係がない
    • There is no causal relationship between these two incidents.
  1. 因果者an ill-fated person
  1. 因果律the law of causality [causation]
  1. 〔写真の〕a negative ⇒ネガ
    • cause and effect
    • link《関連性》
    • [参考]「因果関係」の形で用いられることが多い。

