下記の the following

    • 下記の文を訳しなさい
    • Translate the following passage.
    • 条件は下記の通りです
    • The conditions are as follows:(▼普通colonを用いる)
    • 下記の通りの理由で…
    • For the reasons given below....
    • 下記の学生は明日9時に登校すること
    • The students listed below are to come to school at nine tomorrow.
  1. 1ひのけ(火の気)
    • 火気厳禁
    • 〔掲示〕“Inflammable ― Keep Out!”
  1. 2かせい(火勢)
  1. firearms(▼通例複数形)
    • 軽火器
    • small arms
    • 重火器
    • heavy ordnance
  1. an oyster
    • 生がき
    • a raw oyster
  1. かきフライbreaded, deep-fried oysters
  1. かき養殖oyster farming
  1. かき養殖場an oyster bed [farm]
  1. a flowering plant
  1. 花卉園芸horticulture
  1. 花卉栽培cultivation of flowers
  1. the flowering season
    • この植物は花期が長い
    • This plant remains in flower for a long time.
  1. 〔花瓶〕a (flower) vase;〔水盤〕a wide, shallow container [bowl] (for flower arrangements)
  1. I〔垣根〕a fence;〔生け垣〕a hedge
    • 庭に垣を巡らす
    • fence a garden/「put up [build] a fence around a garden
  1. II〔間を隔てるもの〕
    • 彼らは人種の垣を越えて結束した
    • They formed a union across [that crossed] the boundaries of race.
    • 彼はいつも心に垣を巡らしている
    • He never opens his heart to anybody.
  1. 〔果実〕a persimmon;〔木〕a persimmon (tree)
    • 干し柿
    • a dried persimmon
    • 渋柿
    • an astringent persimmon
  1. 柿色yellowish brown
  1. 柿渋persimmon juice
  1. summer; summertime; the summer season
  1. 夏季手当((get)) a summer bonus
  1. summer; the summer period
  1. 夏期学校(a) summer school
  1. 夏期休暇〔個人の〕 《米》 ((take)) a summer vacation,《英》 one's (summer) holiday;〔学校などの〕the summer vacation [《英》 holidays]
  1. 夏期講習[セミナー]a summer course [seminar]

