• 父は官職に就いている
    • My father is 「a government official [in government service].
    • 彼は重要な官職に任命された
    • He was appointed to an important government post.
  1. a compound color,《英》 a compound colour; a neutral tint
  1. a snack
    • やせたければ間食をやめることだ
    • If you want to lose weight, you'll have to stop eatingbetween meals [snacks].
  1. 〔暇な職〕a leisurely post;〔名誉職〕a sinecure
    • 体が弱いので閑職に回された
    • 「He was given a leisurely job [An easy job was assigned to him] because of his poor health.
    • 理事というのは一種の閑職だった
    • The post of trustee was a kind of sinecure for him.
  1. a cold color [《英》 colour]
  1. 1〔手触り,肌触り〕a [the] feel ((of))
    • この布は感触が硬い[柔らかい]
    • This cloth is stiff [soft] to the touch./This cloth feels stiff [soft].
    • 感触で絹だということが分かる
    • You can tell it's silk by the touch [feel].
  1. 2〔印象〕
    • 彼と話をした時,党総裁選に立候補しそうだという感触を得た
    • When I talked with him, I got the impression [feeling] that he would run for party president.

