1. 「a higher [an upper] rank
    • ヘレンはクラスでジョンより上位を占めている
    • Helen ranks higher in her class than John.
    • 山田さんは彼らより上位にいる
    • Mr. Yamada 「is above them in rank [ranks above them].
    • 上位の力士
    • a high-ranking sumo wrestler
  1. 上意下達上意下達する communicate [convey] the wishes [will, orders] of the ruler [leader] to those under him;《口》 pass the word down
  1. the exclusion of foreigners (from Japan)
  1. 攘夷論exclusionism; the principle of excluding foreigners
  1. 攘夷論者an exclusionist
  1. abdication

    譲位する abdicate the throne ((to))


