1. charcoal
    • 炭を焼く
    • process [make] charcoal
    • 炭になる
    • be charred
    • 炭をおこす
    • make [build] a fire with charcoal
    • 炭をつぐ
    • add charcoal to the fire/replenish the fire with charcoal
  1. 〔囲まれた部分の角〕a corner;《文》 a nook
    • 私は写真の左下の隅にいます
    • You can see me in the lower left-hand corner of the picture.
    • いつも隅に引っ込んでいてはだめよ
    • Don't just hide [stay] in the corner all the time.
    • 隅から隅まで捜したのか
    • Have you 「looked everywhere [searched every nook and cranny]?
    • そのことを隅から隅まで知っている
    • I know it likea book [the back of my hand]./I know every detail of it.
    • あんな美人の彼女がいるなんてあの男も隅に置けないな
    • He must know a thing or two to have such a good-looking girlfriend./There must be more to him than 「meets the eye [we think] if he has such an attractive girlfriend.
  1. 1〔墨汁〕India(n) ink, Chinese ink;〔固形のもの〕sumi, an ink stick
    • 墨をする
    • rub an ink stick back and forth on an ink stone (to make ink)
    • 墨で書く
    • write in (Indian) ink
    • 筆に墨を含ませた
    • I dipped my brush in the ink.
    • 空は墨を流したようになった
    • The sky turned 「as black as ink [pitch-black].
  1. 2〔いかやたこの黒い汁〕ink
    • いかが墨を吐いた
    • The squid squirted ink.
  1. 墨絵墨絵
  1. 墨染め墨染め
  1. 墨壺つぼ〔大工の〕a carpenter's ink pad;〔墨汁用の〕an ink pot
  1. 墨縄a carpenter's inking string
    • 大工が墨縄を打った
    • The carpenter inked a line.

