• 前記の理由により
    • for the above-mentioned [《文》 aforesaid/《文》 foregoing] reasons
    • 前記の通りこれは重大問題である
    • As mentioned above, this is a serious problem.
    • 前記の金額を私の銀行口座に払い込んでください
    • Please pay the said amount into my bank account.
    • 前記番号へお電話ください
    • Please call the above number.
  1. 1〔はじめの期間〕the early part ((of));〔1年の前半〕the first half year;〔学期〕the first term [semester](▼semesterは ((主に米)),2期制の学校の)
    • これは弥生前期の土器だ
    • This earthenware belongs to the early Yayoi period.
  1. 2〔その前の期間〕the preceding term
  1. 前期繰り越しthe balance brought forward
    • 前期繰り越し金
    • the sum carried over from the last [preceding] term
    • 前期繰り越し損失
    • retained deficit brought forward
  1. 前期決算settlement for the first half year
  1. 前期試験first-term exams

