1. 1〔回数を尋ねて〕how many times; how often

    何度も any number of times

    • そこへ何度行きましたか
    • How many times have you been there?
    • 何度電話をしても彼は不在だった
    • Every time I phoned [called] him, he was out.
    • その町には何度も行ったことがある
    • I have visited that town many times.
    • 何度もやってみたがうまくいかなかった
    • I tried 「again and again [over and over again], but it didn't work.
    • もう遅いと彼は何度も言った
    • He said repeatedly that it was too late.
  1. 2〔度数を尋ねて〕how many degrees
    • 温度計は何度を指していますか
    • How many degrees does the thermometer read [register]?/What's the temperature?
  1. a storeroom; a storage room
  1. degree of difficulty
    • 技の難度を競う
    • vie ((with others)) to perform the most technically difficult moves

