1. (a pair of) geta; (wooden) clogs
    • 下駄の音
    • the clip-clop of (wooden) clogs
    • 下駄の歯
    • the teeth on geta
    • 下駄の歯を入れる
    • fit teeth onto geta
    • 下駄をはいて歩く
    • walk in geta
    • 私に下駄を預けられても困る
    • Don't leave everything to me./Don't pass the buck to me.
    • 得点に下駄をはかせても平均点が50以下だ
    • Even if I jack up the scores, the average will still be below 50.
  1. 下駄箱a shoe cupboard [kʌ́bərd];〔棚〕shoe shelves
  1. 下駄履き住宅a home or apartment built over business or parking space on the ground floor
  1. 下駄屋a geta shop

