1. 1〔差異〕a difference, (a) distinction

    区別する tell [know] ((A from B));distinguish ((between A and B));make a distinction ((between));discriminate ((between two things)) (▼distinguishは特徴により,discriminationは微妙な違いや価値判断により区別する)

    • 人種・年齢・性の区別なく
    • irrespective of race, age, or gender
    • この鳥は色や大きさでは雌雄の区別がつけられない
    • In the case of this bird, we cannot distinguish [tell] the male from the female by color or size.
    • 旅館とホテルにはどんな区別がありますか
    • What is the difference between a ryokan and a hotel?
    • 彼女は実子と継子の区別なく慈しんだ
    • She loved her own child and her stepchild equally.
    • 君はもう善悪の区別のつかない年ではない
    • You are old enough to know right from wrong.
    • 親切と単なるお節介を区別する
    • discriminate between kindness and mere officiousness
    • 公私の区別を明確にすべきだ
    • They should 「draw a sharp line [discriminate] between public and private affairs.
  1. 2〔分類〕(a) classification

    区別する classify


