1. 1〔花の萼がく〕a calyx [kéiliks, kǽl-] ((複 ~es, calyces [kǽləsìːz, kéil-]))
  1. 2〔銅像などの台〕a pedestal
  1. 3〔高殿〕a tower
  1. 1〔物をのせる物〕a stand
    • テレビ台
    • a television stand
    • 洗面台
    • a washstand
    • 足のせ台
    • a footrest/a footstool
    • 彫刻の台
    • the pedestal of a sculpture
    • いすを台にして,たなの上の箱を取った
    • 「I stood on a chair [I used a chair to stand on] and took down the box from the shelf.
  1. 2〔車や機械などを数える言葉〕
    • 自動車3台
    • three cars
    • 掃除機5台
    • five vacuum cleaners(▼英語には日本語の助数詞に当たる言葉はほとんどない)
  1. 3〔数量の範囲〕
    • 数学の成績はいつも80点台だった
    • His grades in math were always in the eighties.
    • 朝の7時台は電車が混む
    • Trains are crowded between seven and eight in the morning.
    • 千円台の品
    • articles priced between one and two thousand yen
    • 今年度の利益は2億円台に達した
    • This year's profit reached the two hundred million yen mark.

