1. 1〔記念品〕a souvenir
    • 東京のみやげに
    • as a souvenir from Tokyo
    • 土地のみやげ
    • a souvenir of a local area
  1. 2〔手みやげ〕a present ((for))
    • この知らせが両親に何よりのみやげになる
    • This news will be the best possible present I can take home to my parents.
    • お子様のおみやげにえびシューマイはいかかですか
    • How about some shrimp dumplings to take home for your children?
    • これは冥土のみやげになる
    • This will be a wonderful memory to take to the other world with me.
  1. 土産話a story of one's travels
    • みやげ話をする
    • 「talk about [give an account of] one's experiences on one's travels
  1. 土産物屋a souvenir shop

