1. 1〔空〕the sky
    • 天を仰ぐ
    • look up at the sky;〔あきれて〕look up to heaven (in exasperation)
    • 天を摩するような超高層ビル
    • a skyscraper
    • 天から降ったか地からわいたか男が一人現れた
    • A man appeared 「from out of nowhere [God only knows from where].
    • 二人の性格は天と地ほどの差がある
    • Their personalities are 「as different as day and night [poles apart].
    • 天にも地にもこの子が私の唯一の頼りです
    • This child is my sole support (in this world).
    • 天高く馬肥ゆる秋に
    • in autumn, when the sky is high and clear, and horses grow fat and sturdy
  1. 2〔天国〕Heaven
    • 天にまします我らの父よ
    • 〔主の祈り〕Our Father 「which art [who is] in Heaven(▼who isは現代風な言い方)
    • 彼は天に召された
    • He was summoned to Heaven./He was called to his heavenly home.
  1. 3〔神〕God; Providence; Heaven
    • 天の声
    • a heavenly voice
    • 天の助け
    • providential help
    • 彼は運を天に任せた
    • He left it in the hands of Providence./He entrusted it to Providence [chance].
    • これも天のなせる業とあきらめた
    • He resigned himself to it as God's will.
    • 天は二物を与えず
    • God does not give two gifts (to one person).
    • 天は自ら助くる者を助く
    • ((諺)) Heaven helps those who help themselves.
    • 天に唾すれば,いつかその報いがある
    • What you do will backfire on you someday.
    • 合格して天にも昇る心地がした
    • Having passed the examination, I was in (the) seventh heaven.
    • 天を衝く大樹
    • a towering tree
    • 彼らは天を衝く意気で出発した
    • They started out in the highest spirits.

