1. 1〔人の子供〕a child ((複 children));〔息子〕a son;〔娘〕a daughter;〔総称〕 《文》 offspring(▼単複同形で,動詞は子供が2人以上なら複数形);〔法律用語〕〔総称〕issue ⇒こども(子供)
    • 子を産む
    • 「give birth to [《文》 bear] a child
    • うちの子
    • my son [daughter]
    • 先妻の子
    • a child by one's first wife
    • 彼は画家の子だ
    • He was born in [into] a painter's family.
    • 私はだれの子か長い間分からなかった
    • For a long time I did not know who my parents were.
  1. 2〔幼い者〕
    • 5歳の男[女]の子
    • a five-year-old boy [girl]
    • いい子だね
    • There's [That's] a good boy [girl].
  1. 3〔動物の子供〕〔総称〕the young;〔きつね,くま,ライオンの〕a cub;〔犬の〕a puppy;〔猫の〕a kitten;〔牛の〕a calf ((複 calves, ~s));〔馬の〕a colt(▼雄),a filly(▼雌);〔鹿の〕fawn;〔羊の〕a lamb;〔稚魚,かえるの〕a fry;〔にわとりの〕a chick;〔鳥の〕a baby bird
    • 一腹の子
    • a litter ((of puppies))
    • 象の子
    • a baby elephant/an elephant calf
  1. 4〔若い娘〕
    • あのバーにはいい子がいますよ
    • There's a cute girl at that bar.
  1. 可愛い子には旅させよ((諺)) Spare the rod and spoil the child.
  1. 子はかすがいChildren are a link [bond] between husband and wife.
  1. 1〔子供〕a child;〔息子〕a son
    • 第一子をもうける
    • have one's first child
  1. 2〔子爵〕a viscount
  1. 〔十二支の一つ〕the Rat (the first of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac);〔方角〕north;〔時刻〕the hour of the Rat (midnight or the hours between 11:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m.)
  1. 子年the year of the Rat

