1. I
  1. 1〔木の〕an annual ring (of a tree); a tree ring
  1. 2〔年々の歴史〕a year-by-year history
    • 日本の年輪
    • the history of Japan
  1. II〔刻まれた人生の苦労〕
    • あの人には人生の年輪を感じる
    • I can see 「the effect of the years on him [that he has gone through a lot (in the course of his life)].
    • 彼の文章はさすがに年輪をつんでいる
    • What he writes shows the depth that only a man of his experience can have.
    • 船体には年輪がきざまれていた
    • The ship carried traces of many hard voyages on her body.
  1. 年輪年代測定法tree-ring dating

