1. I〔模様や彩り〕designs and coloring
    • 目にもあやな紅葉
    • brilliantly colored maple leaves
  1. II
  1. 1〔筋道・入り組んだ仕組み〕an intricate design
    • 話のあやがのみ込めない
    • I cannot follow the complicated lines of the story.
  1. 2〔巧みな言い回し〕a rhetorical flourish;〔ひゆ的表現〕a figure of speech
    • これは単なる言葉のあやにすぎない
    • It's just a flowery way of putting it.
  1. I
  1. 1〔文法上の〕a sentence
    • 出だし[結び]の文
    • an opening [a closing] sentence
    • この文の意味が分からない
    • I don't understand (the meaning of) this sentence.
    • 叙述[疑問/命令/感嘆]文
    • a declarative [an interrogative/an imperative/an exclamatory] sentence
    • 単[複/重]文
    • a simple [complex/compound] sentence
  1. 2〔書き物〕writing;〔作文〕a composition;〔文体〕a style
    • 「環境保全」と題する文を書いた
    • I wrote 「an essay [a composition] entitled“Enviromental Protection.”
    • 彼は立派な[平明な]文を書く
    • He writes in 「an excellent [a clear] style.
    • この本の感想を文にしなさい
    • Write down your impressions of this book.
    • 文中に不明の点がある
    • There are some obscure points in the text.
    • 文は人なり
    • The style is the man.
  1. II〔文事〕the pen
    • 文は武に勝る
    • ((諺)) The pen is mightier than the sword.

